
Businesses Channels

Helping Businesses

We as Teleway partnering with the main telecom operators in Saudi Arabia to resale their products through our professional sales team who are working all regions of the Kingdom.

We as Teleway partnering with the main telecom operators in Saudi Arabia to resale their products through our professional sales team who are working all regions of the Kingdom.

In addition, we have expertise with areas of Civil Work "Telecom towers supplies, installation and sites operation & maintenance including, Civil and Electromechanical" and the Critical Communication "HF/VHF Network Supply, Design, Coding and Maintenance of network elements".

Distribution Arms

We as Teleway partnering with the main telecom operators in Saudi Arabia to resale their products through our professional sales team who are working all regions of the Kingdom.

Clients Relationships


The ground of our successful growth is the long-term relationship we build with our clients throughout the project lifecycle and subsequently. We set our customers’ goals as ours and act accordingly aiming to enhance our customers business and profitability as well as market leadership. We keep monitoring our team performance and we keep developing the corporation environment with our clients in order to fulfill the client’s requirements. We keep track the issues popped and log them in a professional way in order to be resolved efficiently. Teleway works as a business partner enabling its clients to select the right level of support, from simple advice up to a turnkey service that allows them to concentrate on developing their core business. We help our clients’ to plan their solutions with quality and performance to meet their long-term business goals. We also help in planning end-user services and the systems to support them, by providing our clients with differentiation in the market place.

We’re Here To Help

Businesses today cross borders and regions, so you need